The SFjRO works with the SFRO (French Society of Radiation Oncologists), the CNEC (National Board of Oncology Teachers) and the INCa (National Cancer Institute) in order to improve teaching of radiation oncology in France.
Since 2002, the SFjRO organizes the National Radiation Therapy Courses, with a 4 years cycle, covering each fondamental fields of radiation oncology : radiobiology, radiophysics, radioanatomy and brachytherapy. Each year, a summer school is organized and dedicated to a specific organ. Our society also participates to the SFRO annual congress with delineation workshops and the Young Session, gathering more and more young radiation oncologists each year.
The SFjRO represents the radiation oncologists residents and fellow on a national level in front of the SFRO, INCa, CNEC in order to promote teaching of radiation oncology.
Finally, the SFjRO cooperates with other young radiation oncologists societies throughout the world in order to create european and international exchanges. In Göteborg (2008) a Young Scientist Session has been created at the ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology) annual congress and is since renewed each year (2009, Berlin and 2010, Barcelona).